Quick Facts on Osgood-Schlatter Disease

osgood-schlatter disease

What is Osgood-Schlatter Disease?


  • Also known as osteochondrosis or traction apophysitis of the tibial tubercle
  • A painful bump where the patellar tendon connects to the tibia (top of shin bone)
  • Repeated tension on the apophysis (growth plate) at the top of the tibia, due to the strong pull of the quadriceps muscles
  • Usually caused by high force/torque placed on the area (e.g. frequent running/jumping)

Who gets it?

  • Adolescents: Boys age 10-15, Girls age 8-12
  • Often coincides with a growth spurt
  • Symptoms generally resolve once growing stops and the growth plate fuses

What are the symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter Disease?

  • Gradual onset of pain
  • Pain to touch the bone below the kneecap 
  • Pain with running, jumping, going up and down stairs
  • Pain slowly resolves with rest
  • Pain with kneeling
  • Decreased power or weakness around the knee

Do I need imaging for Osgood-Schlatter Disease?

  • Osgood Schlatter is usually diagnosed based on symptoms
  • Oftentimes, x-ray is normal. Sometimes an increase in bone growth in the area can be seen on x-ray

How can therapy help my knee pain?

  • Advice on modifying certain activities based on your specific case
  • Assessing movement and strength of the knee and surrounding areas to determine any imbalances
  • Providing exercises to help improve strength and flexibility, and help you return to your activities

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